domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

The Spanish Revolution in Twitter (1): Hashtags, Escraches and Anti – Evictions social movement in Spain

Old Revolutions and Social Movements used to be diffused to the public with the help of a combination of meetings, assemblies, and also through instruments as pamphlets, posters, by word of mouth, and similar. One very important change began at the beginning of the first decade of the twenty-first century, when Web 2.0 based on the developing of Social Networks through the Internet introduced new ways of announce or call any type of protest, meeting, etc. introducing the diffusion by very effective and fast means, on real-time, as Twitter. We analize the use of the hashtag “SpanishRevolution” from all the tweets published in Twitter from 10 April 2013 to 28 May 2013; describe the main other hashtags included in the tweets in which the hashtag “SpanishRevolution” was found; discover the connections between this and other hashtags included in the same tweets, looking for patterns in the micro discourses produced by the hashtags; and determine the patterns and types of hashtags included in the tweets, that is, are the hashtags alluding to slogans, places, people, or to what?

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