martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Are we so different? Democracia Real Ya (DRY) vs UK UNCUT. Two - Spain and UK - social grassroot movements that take place within Facebook communities

I think not!

How many likes these pages?

DRY & UK_Uncut Facebook Pages. (Dataset from netvizz v0.9. Visualization from Gephi)
Retrieved 3,788 pages from DRY and 1,238 pages from UK Uncut with a crawl depth of 2.

Size: Like count. Colour: Communities. Layout: Force Atlas 2

How many are talking about these pages?

DRY & UK_Uncut Facebook Pages. (Dataset from netvizz v0.9. Visualization from Gephi)
Retrieved 3,788 pages from DRY and 1,238 pages from UK Uncut with a crawl depth of 2.
Size: Talking about count. Colour: Communities. Layout: Force Atlas 2

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

simple LAb

I am an active member in the simpleLab project ( here at University of Huelva (if you are a UHU student or faculty member interested in becoming involved in this group let me know).
Feel free to hang out on this site and leave a comment or two.  I’m interested in seeing how this site can grow and evolve.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

To publish in a journal impact, or creativity and entrepreneurship: that is the question

Centrarme en la investigación cercena mi creatividad. Creo que no es bueno ni para mí, ni para la sociedad. En mi opinión, no se están planteando objetivos correctamente en la Universidad. Debo hacer algo al respecto.

sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

Tagging Society

The advent of the social web has significantly contributed to the explosion of web content and, as a side effect, to the consequent, explosive growth of the information overload.

Presentación en español